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Creating A Home

Whenever I sit down on Sunday evenings to write these posts, it is an opportunity for me to reflect on what has been on my heart and mind.  Usually it is some combination of my children, my patients, daily challenges, my ongoing efforts to be more present and mindful in life.  However, these past few weeks, what has been at the forefront of my world has been the process of selling our home, and planning a move.

We will be moving locally, yet there is no question that the feeling of transition has settled within our four walls.  There is a sold sign in our front yard.  There are boxes in our rooms.  There is the purging of stuff.

And there are memories, lots of memories.  I know that how we create a home is completely dependent on the energy of the people who live in the space.  The memories and emotions are not a physical part of our house, but will travel with us in our hearts and spirits no matter where in the world we are.

And yet there are so many associations.  My daughter’s four year old birthday party in our backyard.  The 3D spider man mural that lives on my son’s wall.  The tub that holds our two soapy bulldogs every weekend during their bath time.  Even the hills and trails that surround my home where I go for long weekend runs in solitude or with friends.

Each association leads to an attachment, and attachment inevitably leads to fear of loss.

I remind myself that although I am blessed with this beautiful home, its structure is a reflection of those who occupy its rooms.  We will create new experiences and memories wherever we are, not because of where we live, but because of who we are. I know that in my head, but my heart is still full of all that I will undoubtedly miss.

I also can’t help but think of all of the people who feel alone today, who are experiencing discord in their families, or who don’t have a place to call home.   Many of us have been there in some shape or form throughout the course of our lives.  I know I have.  I also have patients everyday who fall into each of those categories.  For them, the sacred space of therapy might be the closest thing to a home they experience that day.

So today, and in the week ahead, I invite you to think about where home is for you.  How, and with whom, do we create our homes?  Can we be intentional about how we inhabit our space, and how we extend that to create communities with each other?

Wishing you a peaceful week.

With gratitude, Monisha


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Monisha Vasa M.D

       19712 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 110

Irvine, CA 92612

Phone: 949-612-3955

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